You Are Selfless !
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You enjoy good relations with members of the opposite sex. They also enjoy you. But you should play safe when you are not sure. Relationships could be very volatile so it is better to keep things under control. You tend to have too many love affairs so you are advised to control yourself. Too much of a good thing can be upsetting. Do not try to show off too much as they can get turned off. Do not go beyond limits when it is not necessary. Maintaining a balance is good for you.
A True Piscean...
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Pisces are Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive and Sympathetic. They are spiritual beings ruled by their feelings. Their journey through life will involve much soul searching and retreat into that hazy world which exists between the real and the unreal. They are dreamers and life infant is a fantasy for them. Pisces tend to go where life takes them. If they do not like their current direction, they simply retreat into themselves until their direction changes. One of the great dangers for the Pisces is they sometimes become so involved in their dreams and fantasies they find it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Another danger is that their docile nature makes it easy for others to take advantage of them. Pisces must not allow themselves to become detached from those around them, because they will become depressed, pessimistic and languid. Their compassion and empathy seems to be without bounds, which makes them a great ally for anyone. In love Pisceans are very loving, caring and loyal. Pisces really need to be needed. They suffer from fear of rejection and low self-esteem. Pisceans are tender and caring, but frequently become the victims of domineering and uncaring partners. They submerge themselves in the experiences of their mates. If their partner is strong and caring, the lucky Piscean will soar to new heights. Conversely, if they find themselves in an unfulfilled relationship, they will prolong the agony--feeling they must deserve the misery -and assume the role of martyr.
Excerpts are taken from Linda Goodman.
Labels: Pisces: the Fish
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