Happy Birthday Capricorn ! Make your Capricorn pal feel really special with this e-card. Happy Birthday Capricorn !
Make your Capricorn pal feel really special with this e-card.

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Capricorn allows others to walk in front of him, but he often gets there first, against all logic. He's careful to avoid the obstacles, the sharp rocks. No wonder he seldom stumbles. His eyes aren't fastened on the stars. He keeps his gaze fastened ahead, and his feet firmly planted on the ground. Jealousy, passion, impulse, anger, frivolity, waste, laziness, carelessness-are all obstacles. Let others trip and fall over them. Not Capricorn. He may glance briefly behind him with pity for the failures, or in grateful tribute for past advice and help, but he'll soon continue his steady upward climb until his goal is reached.
Capricorn B'day Personal Reading !
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Some of them are romantic. They are loyal lovers. But they are not emotional fools. There are very few Capri who falls in love blindly. There has to be strong logic behind each actions and often their actions seem unworthy for others. But they are true fore seekers who does not initiate in anything less fruitful in future. They sometimes comes to be as fortune seekers but they hardly take risks. They are usually shy, stiff and a sweet soul with trifle stubbornness. He doesn't have to lead the parade with a big brass band. He gives permission for the parade, and plans its route from behind the scenes. All the daring high-wire acts need the Capricorn's strong, safe net when they miscalculate and tumble. The discipline and formality of jet black and navy blue-the solid practicality of brown-the deep, honest dreams of dark green-these are the quiet colors of his enduring rainbow.
Excerpts are taken from Linda Goodman.
Labels: Capricorn: The Logician
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