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They are normally restless. They hate to sit or stand still. The archer is physically conspicuous, if only through their obvious confidence and their disregard for conventional behavior. The typical Sagittarius s attracted to danger-in sports and in his job or his hobby. An element of risk excites and challenges the archers. They love speed. Fast cars, planes-even roller coasters draw them magnetically. Daredevil test pilots are often Sagittarius. The average Jupiter person enjoys nothing more than a hairbreadth escape of some kind-either physical or emotional. It exhilarates them. loves speed. They hate to There's a difference between the legendary bluntness of the archer and the brutal speech of the Scorpio. Scorpio tells the truth, completely conscious of its effect, but still refusing to compromise. Sagittarius is totally unaware of the effect when his direct honesty compels him to speak. Scorpio feels little compunction about the wounds his statements cause.
Most of the time the typical They are happy and gregarious, but his temper can fire like a sky rocket if he's pushed around by people who abuse his natural friendliness or who get too familiar. Rebellion against authority and stuffy society is also common. Sagittarius will never run away from a fight or call for help. The women can lose their normally pleasant dispositions and let go with a barrage of unexpected plain talk that puts troublemakers right where they belong. The men will use their fists and scorn weapons. They can never successfully tell a lie. Deceit is unnatural to the archer, and when he tries to dabble in it, the exposure is usually swift and sure. Male or female, the archer can either behave in a slap-dash fashion.
Excerpts are taken from Linda Goodman.
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