The doom gets over and suddenly you found innumerable possibilities coming forth on your birthday. It happens with Cancerians. Moon is your star and the shell around your self sometimes hold you back but that does not mean that you lack spirit of life and do not pursue the energy to move forward. You are a shy person but your star tells that you have amazingly humorous sensibility and immensely active romantic air around you.
A Birthday Shell-ebration !
A jovial card for your Cancer friends/ pals/ loved ones.

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There are two basic Cancer types. The first kind has a handsome round face, soft skin, a wide, grinning mouth, almost circular eyes, rather a baby-faced look. Think of the man in the moon. That's a perfect image. The second type is more common. The unmistakable "look of the crab" is immediately noticeable in the face.
All lunar people have enormously expressive features. A thousand moods play fleetingly across their faces in the course of a conversation. Cancerians have such control of imagery, and their moods are so intense, they can make you feel them, too. Their imagination seizes joy and despair, horror and compassion, sorrow and ecstasy, and holds each emotion fast with a retentive memory.
The typical Cancer person doesn't like to discuss his personal life, but he's delighted to hear about yours, as his lunar imagination lets him easily guess the parts you leave out. Cancer seldom judges, however. He simply gathers, absorbs, reflects.
Compliment Your Cancer Friend !
This card is sure to make your friends/ loved ones feel special.
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Male or female, the Cancerian loves his home with a respect bordering on reverence. Cancer person is ever quite happy without a hearth to call his own. Sometime make a point of noticing the expression on the face of a crab who has just returned home from a long trip. Pure ecstasy.
No matter how much money he piles up in reserve, Cancer never feels really secure, and no matter how much love he gets, he always needs more. His emotions never let him become sure enough to relax completely. He's always piling up tangibles against some imaginary future disaster. I cheerfulness can make him well. Often, he fears financial collapse or the loss of someone he needs emotionally.
Sympathy is the last thing Cancer needs when he's sick, never mind what he says. If he grows melancholy about fearsome possibilities, he invites real trouble, and he'll take twice as long to get well.
Excerpts are taken from Linda Goodman.
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