Tauras Male: Mr. Practicle
Perhaps you picture the typical Taurus man as a quiet, practical soul, as sensible and down-to-earth as an old pair of shoes. It's true-he is. You may also observe that he's slow to move to action, deliberate and careful. True again. Therefore, you deduce, it's only logical to assume he's not very romantic. Positively false. A Taurus man plans for tomorrow carefully. He's extremely patient. The financial picture with a Taurus man is usually excellent. Paint it pink and rosy. Few Taureans will fail to accumulate at least security, if not wealth. Some of them play the game of Monopoly with real money. And they win. Both real estate and cash are easily conquered by the bull.
A Big Cuddly Hug...
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He probably loves the country, football, fishing and camping. If none of these, he likes flowers, gardening or long walks. He prefers to read books about the dashing heroes of olden days or the biographies of empire builders, rather than sophisticated fiction or deep philosophy.
The typical Taurean husband is generous to a fault with his wife. Taurus men make loving, affectionate, warm and sympathetic fathers. This man will work hard and need lots of rest.
Excerpts are taken from Linda Goodman.
All Charged Up !
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